Angi Angi can be used to efficiently cure several conditions caused by gram positive bacteria. Some of the bacteria that it acts against effectively include Staph (Staphylococcus simulans and S. Aureus). It also acts against Streptococcus. By only killing the gram positive bacteria, it is a great way of eliminating bacteria without harming the beneficial bacteria.
Angi Angi has strong antiviral properties also. Regularly taking the herb helps in clearing the body of a wide range of viruses. It helps to clears viruses from the bronchial area and the lungs.
Thank you for creating such effective products. My daughter had an awful infection behind her ear and we had tried everything to clear it up. We purchased the Organic Angi Angi Usnea Oil and it had an immediate effect and within 48hours the infection was gone. After a few days it is all healed. Ever grateful to you! - Bridget
Angi Angi is very beneficial in clearing fungal infections. Usnea has been researched to effectively cure several types of fungal infections, Candida species included. For its antifungal uses, the herb can be used both internally and topically.
It is beneficial for women with yeast infections trichonomosas,
bacterial vaginosis, and chlamydia, and is used to treat other fungal
infections like athlete’s foot and infected wounds.
cousin's thrush cleared in two days with the Angi Angi oil! Bloody
gets thrush often from using the wrong soap or washing powder
so she’s
so happy to have found a way to avoid the pharma treatment. - Leanna
Angi Angi is also a great choice for wounds. As we’ve seen, it is a powerful
antimicrobial herb. Using usnea herb in wounds can help treat or prevent
infection. It also has wound-healing abilities that can accelerate the
healing process. It's also a wonderful remedy for cellulitis or infected wounds.
Usnea barbata has been used in cosmetic production for its antimicrobial and antifungal properties as a preservative and deodorant.
It can be used in mouthwashes, gargles and lozenges, for inflammation of the oral mucus membranes.
This oil would make a powerful additive to a healing balm!
Ingredients: organically grown, wildcrafted, sustainably harvested Angi Angi steeped in organic olive oil.
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